WARABAT – aka SHAABAIYET (Ashta cream filled Fillo Triangles)

(Ashta cream filled Fillo Triangles)


One box phyllo, thawed ready to use
4 tbsp unsalted butter, melted

Simple syrup to drizzle*

Crushed pistachio for garnish (optional)

Ashta (filling):
2cups heavy cream
2cups half and half
6 tbsp starch*
5 tbsp sugar

You can add some fresh mozzarella or sweet cheese into this mix, optional. Not necessary


1. Add all the ashta ingredients into a medium sized pot, stir on medium heat until pretty thick. (Maybe thicker than pudding)

2. Spread out brush each layer lightly with butter and cut the dough into 3″ squares. Use a ruler if necessary. I found its easiest to do so with a pizza cutter. Each square should have about 20-25 layers now, split that in half so each square is about 10 layers thick.

3. Fill the squares with a dollop of filling and fold into triangles. Place nicely into a grease pan. Brush each with remaining butter.

4. Into a preheated 400 oven they go. Bake for about 20 mins until the tops are golden.

5. After they are done and crispy, drizzle some simple syrup on top (not too much) and garnish with pistachios.

*Author of the recipe has not supplied with simple syrup recipe so here is how it’s made:
1 Cup water, 1 Cup sugar mix to dissolve sugar, bring to boil reduce to low heat let it cook for another few minutes turn off let it cool. You can add if you want 1 tsp rose water after your turn off the heat.

*you might need more cornstarch to make it thick filling depends on your taste.

To clarify # 2 steps here is suggestion: take 10 filo dough lightly butter each layer and put one on top of the other then with a ruler measure and cut 3 inch squares then add dollop of filling in the center fold over to make a triangle place on nicely greased pan see picture on the link in the recipe then continue with the next 10 filo doughs and follow recipe for baking.. I hope this helps you! Also here is a you tube use it just to see how its exactly cut folded only .. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enMHcAJR1yc

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