The Global Cities Fund for Inclusive Pandemic Response Awards Beirut for its Municipal Mobile Health Clinic

Today, Beirut was selected as a recipient of the inaugural Global Cities Fund for Inclusive Pandemic Response, a $1,000,000 initiative to respond to the unmet needs of cities as they support migrants, refugees, and internally displaced people (IDPs) during COVID-19. Launched by the Mayors Migration Council, a mayor-led advisory organization that helps cities influence national and international policy on migration and refugee issues, the Global Cities Fund will provide direct financial and technical support over one year to Beirut and four other cities from low-to-middle income countries to implement projects related to health, employment, livelihoods, and social protection.


Beirut, in partnership with UN-Habitat, will use the funds to purchase and operate the city’s first Municipal Mobile Health Clinic, which will provide free and non-discriminatory COVID-19 testing and other basic medical services to any individual who is unable to access these services currently, including migrants and refugees in marginalized neighborhoods.


With 95 percent of reported COVID-19 cases in urban areas, cities are on the frontlines of the global public health crisis and its socio-economic impact. The pandemic presents unique challenges to many urban migrants, refugees, and IDPs due to their legal and immigration status, their reliance on informal employment, and their restricted access to public health services and benefits. Their experiences are complicated by language and cultural barriers, xenophobia, racism, and discrimination. Since the onset of the pandemic, the city of Beirut recorded close to 20,000 cases, where one third is active today, and 177 deaths.


“The Municipality of Beirut welcomes the support of the Mayors Migration Council. This move comes as part of our continuous efforts to respond to the challenges and opportunities of migration, looking to support all inhabitants during this difficult time in our city’s history. Thanks to the Global Cities Fund, we are happy to announce that the Beirut Mobile Health Clinic will reach the neighborhoods where it is needed the most and provide crucial healthcare to those who would otherwise be left behind,” said Jamal Itani, Mayor of Beirut.


“Mayors continue to adeptly respond and implement solutions that include those who are often left behind or overlooked. We are excited to provide direct access to funding and technical support to local leaders who are working to rebuild their communities in an inclusive way. We hope other international actors will join us in recognizing the benefits of providing cities and their residents with the resources they need to unlock their full potential,” said Ms. Vittoria Zanuso, Executive Director of the Mayors Migration Council.


A Selection Committee of subject matter experts and practitioners reviewed submissions and selected Beirut and other city grantees based on their anticipated impact, commitment from city leadership, and likelihood of program’s institutionalization or replication for continued support to migrants, refugees, and IDPs, among other criteria. The final cities include Barranquilla, Colombia; Beirut, Lebanon; Freetown, Sierra Leone; Lima, Peru; Mexico City, Mexico.


You can learn more about Beirut’s Municipal Mobile Health Clinic here. Visit and follow #GlobalCitiesFund on social media for more information on the Global Cities Fund.

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