OUT NOW: Special Edition Cover of “We Are Family” Available for Download in Support of WHO Foundation!

LONDON/GENEVA: The special edition cover of the timeless hit We Are Family, re-recorded by one member of the iconic multi-Gold and Platinum recording music group Sister Sledge, Kim Sledge, presented by Natasha Mudhar, Founder of the global social impact enterprise The World We Want, and supported by the World Health Organization, is now officially available for download worldwide from leading digital music stores such as iTunes, Spotify and Amazon Music.


The song, an upbeat cover of the classic anthem that saw the group rise to stardom in 1979, is being released as an inspiring call for global solidarity to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and to generate proceeds in benefit of the WHO Foundation to address the most pressing global health challenges of our time, such as COVID-19.


Global icons such as multi-award winning, critically acclaimed artist Rita Ora, soul-singing legend Heather Small (singer of 2000’s hit Proud) and Formula One hero Romain Grosjean are just some of the big name supporters of the sing-along music video for the new cover, which is also open to the global public to submit their videos up until 30 November, to officially release worldwide this December. Short video platform TikTok is supporting the campaign, offering users the chance to sing along to, record and share their own videos there as well.


The special edition cover was officially released online for download in conjunction with today’s opening of the resumed 73rd World Health Assembly, at which Kim Sledge performed the track with the support of the Tongan Nurses Choir.


The special re-recorded cover, star-studded music video, social media campaign and fundraising initiative has been conceptualised by Natasha Mudhar, Founder, The World We Want, and supported by WHO. The inspiration to release a special edition of the classic track initially came early this year as communities around the world were left reeling from the impact of COVID-19.


Speaking about the launch of the campaign, Natasha Mudhar, the Founder of The World We Want said: “The power of entertainment to inspire action is one of the most potent forces that I believe should be wielded to create and inspire collective change. There is something raw and emotive about music that transcends language and social structures, and we wanted to forge a strong solidarity among people transcending national boundaries. We Are Family is an iconic relic themed to this very purpose, and its been an hour to revive this incredibly evocative song which is as meaningful today as it was four decades ago.    


By bringing together a coalition of influential celebrities, we have helped start a movement that will be all inclusive in solidarity of the global spirt. Together, we can affirm and command positive action.”


Join the We Are Family video campaign

In support of the song’s release, people from around the world can submit videos of themselves singing along to We Are Family for inclusion in a unique and inspiring compilation video for release in December 2020. This video will feature members of the global public, celebrities, leaders and health heroes, to honour the incredible work of the frontline workforces risking their lives around to save ours, and all those around the world who have been affected by the pandemic.


Download the Special Edition Cover of We Are Family

For a list of all major digital music stores where you can download the song, visit www.unitystrong.com


Steps to be part of the We Are Family video:

To submit sing-along videos of the Special Edition Cover Version of the We Are Family song, the key steps are:


  • Download the Special Edition Cover of We Are Family, in benefit of the WHO Foundation.
  • Record yourself singing to the Special Edition Cover of We Are Family either alone, or with friends and family, whilst observing physical distancing guidelines.
  • Share the video on your favourite social media channel, with the hashtag #WeAreFamily #COVID19 #HealthforAll and tag @WHO, @The_WorldWeWant and @thewhof.
  • Upload your video to https://unitystrong.com.
  • If you want your video to be considered for inclusion in the global, We Are Family video; you will need to share your video by Monday, 30 November 2020.
  • Video clips will be selected based on age, geographical diversity, and appropriate physical distancing if the video includes groups of people beyond immediate family members and correct handwashing if singing along to the song while washing hands.
  • More details, including Terms & Conditions, can be found here unitystrong.com.
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