Mohamed Hefzy” We never gave up hope for an outstanding physical edition”

Cairo International Film Festival has set new dates for the 42nd Edition, to be held from December 2nd to 10th to ensure a safer and more successful festival, according to health procedures and measures approved by the Egyptian Government and the World Health Organization (WHO).

According to the festival’s new dates, the third edition of ‘Cairo Industry Day’ will be held from December 4th to 7th 2020, as well as the activities of ‘Cairo Film Connection’ to be held from December 5th to 7th.

Mohamed Hefzy, The Festival’s President, said that “the team of Cairo International Film Festival is thrilled and eager to present an outstanding program of distinguished films at the 42nd edition. Furthermore, the return of Cairo Industry Days cannot be more significant at a time when the industry struggles for survival, hope and resistance against the difficult conditions imposed by the coronavirus all over the world. We never gave up hope for an outstanding physical edition!”

He also applauded the efforts of some of the most recent international film festivals that were organized and held successfully within the strictest health measures, including Venice, Toronto, and the San Sebastian Film Festivals. It was their adamant persistence that set the standard and confidence in the ability of other festivals to continue their mission of spreading awareness and film culture throughout the world.

The Festival’s President also thanked the Egyptian government for all the efforts that they have done to get the country back to a sense of normalcy faster than many places around the world that were harder hit by Covid. Hefzy also stressed on the commitment of The festival’s management to maintain the highest health and safety standards in consultation with the Egyptian authorities.

Omar Kassem, CIFF’s Executive Director, assured that all the precautionary measures will be be taken and that a strict system will be implemented by a specialized team during the 42nd edition, to ensure that everyone adheres to health and preventative measures, primarily social distancing, and wearing a face mask inside the Opera House, which is the festival’s main headquarters, as well as sterilization of cinemas and all venues immediately after each screening, temperature checks, and a comprehensive health follow-up on a daily basis for all festival workers and guests. Furthermore, the opening and closing ceremonies will be hosted outdoors.

Cairo International Film Festival began to reveal some of the highlights of the 42nd edition, in which the great Egyptian writer Waheed Hamed will be honored with the Golden Pyramid Honorary Award for Lifetime Achievement. The festival also announced two Egyptian films in the international competition, the documentary “ Ash Ya Captain | Lift like a Girl” directed by May Zayed, and “Hazr Tegwa| Curfew” directed by Amir Ramses.

In addition to the projects participating in the 7th edition Cairo Film Connection which were unveiled recently. More events, announcements, and activities will follow providing the full program of the 42nd edition, through till the festival’s press conference taking place in November.

Cairo International Film Festival is one of the most prestigious and oldest festivals in the Arab World and Africa, and the only festival in both regions accredited as Category A by the International Federation of Film Producers (FIAPF) with 14 other festivals that hold international competitions.

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