Lebanese memes Solutions (LMS) is a service consulting company dedicated to supporting its customers BOOMING

Lebanese memes Solutions (LMS) is a service consulting company dedicated to supporting its customers BOOMING their brand, increasing their social media presence, sales and optimizing their management & business processes.

It’s your one-stop destination for all your marketing needs; Strategy & Consulting, Creative Design, Web & Mobile Development, Social Media Management, Bulk E-Mail & SMS Service

The uniqueness of LM comes from three facts:
– Its identity as a well-recognized brand with clear mission, vision and values.
– It has a reach of over 1 Million potential customers and future buyers (For the Lebanese Market) that are checking its social media updates on daily basis.
– Its diversifed services which consist in not only boosting the social media exposure but also actively participating in the customers sales processes, to going into optimizing their business processes.



Dear partners in success, what started as a fun page in 2012 turned out to be a huge opportunity for sustainable growth, only for those who can see it. Success is never a coincidence! This is why they call it a success story…because there is a story behind every success. You should be able to know and understand by now that overnight success happens after you work for a long period of time. Nothing great has ever been built by one person. It’s because you care more, while others don’t, you succeed. That’s it! As simple as that!

Why did we create a digital agency and why are we doing all what we are doing? Well the answer is easy, we want to create affordable classy social media management to help businesses have a better image and create more customers. We want to help as many people as we can by solving new problems. This is the change we want to make and that’s our sense of purpose.

At our organization, any partner can experiment with their own ideas and get feedback directly from the community to see how connected people feel so that we incorporate any new idea or trend. We will also need to write everything that fails so that we keep moving forward while taking advantage of each mistake. There are many businesses that are not active online and are losing customers on daily basis. This is a problem we want to solve because it will allow us to create new jobs and solve another problem.

Bear in mind, we are a media company with social responsibility values. There is always more that we can do. We will need to do everything you can with your time on earth to help as many as we can. We have a responsibility to help more people. It’s a duty and obligation.


Homepage One

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