Can you stay fit while staying at home

Just because now you are limited to your home, doesn’t mean you have to give up on your health and fitness. Sure, gyms, parks and fitness centers may not be among the most accessible places right now, but you can get creative with how you work out at home. Ranging from home equipment to simple workouts, right meals and even the perfect amount of sleep, now is the time when you can truly build on your health and fitness. Here are a few tips on how you can keep fit while staying at home.


  1. Get some home workouts
    Be it the complex home workouts for the experts or the basic ones for the beginners, there are a wide range of home workout routines that you can find online. Be it a few simple pushups or pullups every day to even lifting a couple of weights, being at home does not restrict how fit you want to be. Even running on the treadmill for a while can help burn off some extra calories that you might have put on. Even better, since the whole family is home, why not make it an entire group workout complete with music and dance. Fun for all!With the HUAWEI Watch GT 2, you can keep track of approximately 190 types of data for a wide range of activities. This also includes indoor activities such as walking or running on treadmills, elliptical machines as well as free training! What makes this better is that along with accurate data on your workout, you also get professional advice and tips, just like having a coach with you the whole time! All the data can also be observed and recorded for comparison in the Huawei Health app that comes pre-installed on your HUAWEIphone.


  1. Working out solo? You need some tunes!
    Have your workout playlist all set to give you the motivation you need? Worried your Bluetooth speakers might be too loud or not give you the audio quality you want? Well, with the HUAWEI FreeBuds 3, all it takes is a simple connection to your smartphone, a double tap to the left earbud and then blast away your tunes while you burn those calories! They are comfortable, feature active noise cancelling and has a long lasting battery life, perfect for those long workout sessions.
  2. Keep track of everything
    When you are not working out, you need to ensure that your body is functioning well. With the all-new self-developed TruSeenTM 5 heart rate monitoring technology on the HUAWEI Watch GT 2, you can get accurate readings of your heart rate in real-time 24 hours a day. Additionally, if your heart rate is higher than 100 bpm or lower than 50 bpm for more than 10 minutes in its inactive state, the watch will alert you as well. You can even keep an eye on your stress levels thanks to the HUAWEI TruRelaxTM technology that will also remind you to calm down with a couple of breathing exercises.You can also use the HUAWEI Smart Scale to get accurate readings of your body weight, composition and even detailed readings such as water percent, muscle mass and many more, which is also recorded for comparisons and review later on the HUAWEI Health App on your phone.
  3. Sleep well
    A good amount of sleep is important to good health. Your body needs to rest and recharge, which means you need to get a good couple hours of quality sleep every night. To make sure you did, the HUAWEI Watch GT 2’s TruSleep™ 2.0 feature lets you monitor your sleep quality. It also identifies six typical sleep problems such as difficulty falling asleep, shallow sleep, light sleeping during the night, early waking, multiple dreams, and irregular work schedule, while providing sleep improvement suggestions and personalized sleep services, such as meditation, deep sleep guidance exercises, quick relaxation guidance exercises, late night sleeping, among others. All of this data is then compiled into comprehensive reports that help you improve your sleep to wake up healthy the next day.
  4. Don’t be idle
    Sitting at your desk all day working or not moving from the couch binge watching shows and movies is not going to contribute to your health. But sometimes, you just don’t want to get up when there is no motivation. Luckily the HUAWEI Watch GT 2 will vibrate and notify you to get up and move around if it detects you have been sitting for extended periods of time. When it rings, just get up, walk around and even stretch a bit before sitting down again.

With these tips and devices like the HUAWEI Watch GT 2, HUAWEI devices with HUAWEI Health app, HUAWEI FreeBuds and even the HUAWEI Smart Scale at your disposal, keeping in shape while you are at home is made a whole lot easier. Don’t forget to drink a lot of water and not gorge yourself on junk food, because if you want to stay fit, then it requires a dedication that can only come from you.

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